A look at the past

Through our presentation we would like to inform and educate people about the evolution of species and living organisms, from the beginning of life on planet earth. We will refer to the dinosaurs’ era, whose evolution was roughly interrurted because of their disappearence. We will also provide some known and some lesser known facts about them in the hopes that we will impress our younger and older audience. In addition we will elaborate on the enviromental conditions that prevailed at that time, how they shaped the organisms, and how they differ from the conditions that prevail today. In order to achieve that, we will print panflets with important information on dinosaurs and other animals, a paperboard crafted timetable that illustrates the course of evolution and a real-size printed cardboard dummy of the smallest dinosaur, Compsognathus (about 0,5 m long). Lastly we will be bringing laptops to showcase powerpoint presentations.

Participation days:
4/5/2018, 5/5/2018



Helen Goktsi, undergraduate student at the Department of Biology, University of Patras
Christina Emmanouil, undergraduate student at the Department of Biology, University of Patras
Ioulita Vogiatzi, undergraduate student at the Department of Biology, University of Patras
Andreas Kakoullis, undergraduate student at the Department of Biology, University of Patras
Emma Kalosaka, undergraduate student at the Department of Biology, University of Patras
Eirini Choremi, undergraduate student at the Department of Biology, University of Patras
Aleksandra Varveri, undergraduate student at the Department of Biology, University of Patras
Anna Blana, graduate student at the Department of Material Science, University of Patras
Dimitris Lagogiannis, graduate student at the Department of Biology, University of Patras